Hello micro.blog friends. I wish you and your friends and family blessed Chritmas or just a refreshing end of the year with a break from daily stuff. Those of you who are already looking forward to the new year can already register on the homepage of my company to be informed about the start of the next campaign for the Volla Phone. Thanks to everyone who supported me and my team and for the inspiring discussion here about the use and integration of micro.blog into our homepage and our full OS.
Deas someone know someone, who is working on an Android app for Micro.blog? I would like to integrate the system in the OS of your Volla Phone, a smartphone with a focus on simplicity and privacy.
I’m struggling with micro.blog. I have tried it since it was stsrted after the Kickstarter campaign. Unfortunately it’s not possible to get in contact with people or to reach any audience. I thnk the conceptual problem of micro.blog is, that I can’t search for interesting people and posts. Maybe it’s time to say good bye to micro.blog. My hope was to have an alternative to Twitter, without censorship and manipulation.
One example for a new mobile user experience: Just start typing. Chechout our Kickstarter campaign.
My crowd funding campaign for a smartphone, that offers freedom though simplicity and privacy.
I have started the Kickstarter campaign for the VollaPhone. It’s a smartphone for the users freedom by simplicity and privacy. It comes with a pure Android without Google Apps and Services and a new operation concept: Just start typing and the device anticipates, whtat you want to do. Many thanks for every recommendation. Your questions and comments are welcome.
Thanks to Marc Brands for the photo of our location.
The event location of our hackathon. Let’s work on an alternative for Android and iOS that respects our privacy and freedom. Maybe Micro blog should be integrated in this system by default.
Today I order mobile devices as a prize for our hackathon. Are there any SailfishOS, Nemo Mobile or UBports developer in this community? My new company prepares a smartphone based on a FOSS operation system with a new user experience.
Community days with hackathon
The Volla Community Days with a hackathon are aimed at developers, founders, foundations and companies to work together on a successfull open source alternative to Android and iOS. Especially invited are supporters of the communities of Sailfish OS, Nemo Mobile and UBports. The company behind Volla is developing a smartphone with a pre-installed alternative that respects users’ privacy and offers a new, simple user experience. The event takes place from 18 to 19 May 2019 in Remscheid, Germany.
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